1.0 It is with a heart full of grief that I pen down this condolence message following the demise of a great jurist the Late Honourable Justice Chima Centus Nweze JSC, CFR who was of tremendous service to the Legal Profession and Nigeria in general.
2.0 The Judiciary and Nigeria at large has during his life time enjoyed his quintessential and cerebral spout of scholarly pronouncement. There is no reservation in noting that our jurisprudence, our dear country, Nigeria, the Legal Institutions, the Legal Practitioners and particularly my humble self, will continue to benefit immensely from the wisdom, sagaciousness, competence and cerebral prowess of my Lordship during his lifetime. The life of the Late Honourable Justice Chima Centus Nweze JSC, CFR is one that will never be forgotten.
3.0 My Lord’s legacy, integrity, high value service, erudite pronouncements and scholarly display of wisdom as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria will always be etched in the sands of time. I pray that the Almighty God grant him eternal rest amen!
-Dr. Olukayode Ajulo, OON, FCIArb.UK