Poignant Farewell to A Revered Patriarch: Pa Samuel Olatunji Eddo By Dr. Olukayode Ajulo, SAN,OON


A Poignant Farewell to A Revered Patriarch: Pa Samuel Olatunji Eddo

It is with the deepest sorrow, yet profound gratitude to the Almighty, that I bid adieu to the venerable Pa Eddo – a towering figure whose indelible mark upon me and all those privileged to know him shall endure forevermore. Though the tidings of his passing have only just reached my ears this very noon, the vast chasm left in his wake is utterly immeasurable.

It was nigh upon four decades ago that I first had the profound privilege of acquainting myself with Pa Eddo, through the cherished friendships I had forged with his beloved children, Lawale and Mowunmi Eddo.

Even in those bygone days, his presence loomed large – a true disciplinarian of the highest order, who demanded that the ingress and egress to and from his home cease once the 9 o’clock Network News began.

I can still recall with crystal clarity the end-of-term report card reviews, where his discerning gaze would scrutinize our progress with unwavering intensity, ever pushing us to reach for ever-greater heights of excellence.

Yet beyond the mantle of this stern taskmaster, Pa Eddo possessed an unshakable and steadfast belief in the limitless potential of the youth. I fondly remember an incident from long ago, when he divined with uncanny precision that I had penned a lengthy missive, proclaiming that he knew I was destined for greatness as an advocate, judging by the very cadence and eloquence with which I had expressed myself upon the page. His abiding faith in me, and in so many others, was a wellspring of encouragement that shaped and molded countless lives.

But the towering influence of Pa Eddo extended far beyond the merely personal sphere. He was a true renaissance man, versed in a veritable cornucopia of subjects, and deeply inspired by the rich and storied history of the Benin Empire. His encyclopedic knowledge and visionary insights were a constant source of intellectual nourishment, sparking profound discourse and fueling my own scholarly pursuits with unbridled fervor.

At the venerable age of over one hundred years, Pa Eddo’s life stood as a testament to the transformative power of unwavering dedication, unyielding integrity, and a profound commitment to community. His loss is felt with the utmost profundity, yet his legacy shall continue to inspire all those whose lives he had graced.

Though Pa Eddo may have departed this mortal coil, the indelible mark he has left upon this world shall endure forevermore. May he rest in eternal peace, and may we all strive to honor his memory by embodying the values he so ardently championed throughout the course of his extraordinary life.

Dr. Olukayode Ajulo, OON, SAN

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