Four steps on how Nigerians can apply for UK teaching job
By Alao Abiodun
Qualified and eligible teachers in Nigeria can apply to work in schools in the United Kingdom (UK) courtesy of a programme by the department of education.
The Nation reports applicants will be required to have qualified teacher status (QTS) — a qualification awarded by the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA).
Qualified teacher status (QTS) is a legal requirement to teach in many English schools and is considered desirable for teachers in the majority of schools in England.
Teachers with qualifications from nine countries including Nigeria will be able to apply to TRA for QTS. They are as follows:
- Ghana
- Hong Kong
- India
- Jamaica
- Nigeria
- Singapore
- South Africa
- Ukraine
- Zimbabwe
According to the UK: “Teachers from these countries were considered because they are believed to have a substantial presence in the UK as valued members of the teaching workforce there is an established interest in teaching in England in these countries we have strong educational ties with the country in question
“This change is part of the launch of a new service to apply for QTS in England,” the notice reads.
“From 1 February 2023, teachers from all eligible countries will have to show they meet a consistent set of criteria for the award of QTS. Over time, this route will be opened to qualified teachers from every country outside the UK.
“This will ensure all non-UK teachers awarded QTS meet the same high standards, while also increasing opportunities for highly qualified teachers wherever they trained.”
Here are
According to the UK: “Teachers from these countries were considered because they are believed to have a substantial presence in the UK as valued members of the teaching workforce there is an established interest in teaching in England in these countries we have strong educational ties with the country in question
“This change is part of the launch of a new service to apply for QTS in England,” the notice reads.
“From 1 February 2023, teachers from all eligible countries will have to show they meet a consistent set of criteria for the award of QTS. Over time, this route will be opened to qualified teachers from every country outside the UK.
“This will ensure all non-UK teachers awarded QTS meet the same high standards, while also increasing opportunities for highly qualified teachers wherever they trained.”
Here are the requirements:
1. To apply for assessment, you do not need a formal teacher training qualification.
2. You must have: a minimum of 2 years’ teaching experience; a first (bachelor’s) degree from a UK or non-UK university an English language qualification which is the same standard as a grade 4 GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education).
3. Maths qualification, which is the same standard as a grade 4 GCSE to teach children aged 3 to 11 in primary school and a physics, chemistry or biology (science) qualification which is the same standard as a grade 4 GCSE.
4. You must also meet a certain standard of English language proficiency. This means you must be able to show one of the following. You have:
A. Been born in, hold citizenship of, or have studied at undergraduate level (or higher) in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales or in one of the exempt nationalities been taught in English at undergraduate level (or higher) – you will need to provide evidence that English has been the medium of instruction (MOI) of your degree sat a CEFR B2 level English language test at a secure English language test (SELT) provider and met a CEFR B2 level of English proficiency.
For more information on how to apply, kindly check here – https://apply-for-qts-in-