“THE BALL OF LIFE”- Donald Ojogo


“The ball of life rolls in numerous manners and directions beyond human control. It depicts varied and somewhat conflicting perceptions to all. It depends on the angle from where the glance is taken. If one’s gains are in most cases someone’s losses, it’s clearer. 

“The man of integrity who expects love from that who lacks same only plays the fool because he who lacks it knows he lacks it. Likewise, the generous and compassionate man in the midst of men of opposite disposition has voluntarily dumped himself into the hate cabin.

“That’s why the crave for perfection, and the inexorable strive to be liked, loved by all is not just an illusion but a heavy burden with unbearable costs. Only pretence and self-denial can permeate and oil this perfect scenario in life. 

“The man who takes himself out of the pretence box and follows his conscience against the ‘ought-to-be’ crowd is mostly shadowed by an inclement environment that subjects him to perpetual explanations to exonerate self, if he cares. He has more unknown enemies than the known because he is even hated by those who don’t know him. He should move on because he cannot explain to unidentifiable enemies. In any case, not all, even though identified, deserve explanations.

“Gluing to one’s conscience and God, though most desirable, is most often, replete with character assassination, reputation damage and perception twists. Many are destroyed along the line without the opportunity of vindication. Only the strong survive this mostly unattractive path with the last laugh”

……..Donald Ojogo 

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